Sunday, November 6, 2016

�� See the Pattern ��


💫“See the Pattern” ~ Recognize Your Patterns 💫
Watch the video here:
We are Creatures of Habit because it’s comfortable to stay in the known even if it’s uncomfortable!
is how change starts! The only way change can occur is for you to
initially recognize in yourself what it is that holds you back from
So, first you must be aware of a particular pattern that keeps you stuck in the same routine, habits, mundane, familiar…
Then, just observe how it comes up in your life…Repeatedly!
Is it a reaction to an emotion?
Is the pattern simply a routine that is not yielding you joy in your life?
Is it an addictive pattern?
Now once you have identified the pattern, simply witness it without judging it & ask yourself:
“When did this begin? From what point did this pattern originate in my life?”
Sit with it, keep asking yourself questions to challenge why it exists...
Journal what comes up as a cathartic healing & release of old wounds! 
You’ll build even more awareness as things you might have forgotten also begin to surface for you!

Ask yourself “how is this serving me?”
How can I release this pattern for something more fulfilling?
have to recognize that every pattern/habit/routine serves us in our
life but it’s important to see when it’s past it’s “expiration date
& efficacy” in your life!
“See the Pattern?”
of the main things that people get upset at is they assume others
should just know their boundaries/limitations. When in fact, they don’t
even know for themselves.
when a person feels like someone is taking advantage of them, it’s
mostly because they’re expecting the other person to recognize when
enough is enough [for them]…or when they should stop imposing. That idea that people should just “know”…doesn’t serve anyone because it’s uncommunicated!
The reality is the individual just keeps on giving without recognizing for themselves when enough is enough! 
What is the underlying drive that causes them to keep on giving?
Simple - they want to be liked & accepted!
that claim they do it from their heart but still get upset, have an
expectation of something in return… So, it is not as genuine as they
True genuine giving has no strings attached!
We all want to connect with, feel loved & appreciated by others!
pattern to recognize & ask yourself is whether or not you are
compromising your self in order to feel validated, liked, or accepted by
Do you give without expectation or do you do it for something in return?
Don't let the mind trick you into thinking you do  if you're still getting upset by the giving!
Expectations are our own self-created saboteurs causing us stress, pain & suffering!
Here's the deal:
 We all have those friends we claim let us down. But just like the
saying goes the definition of crazy is doing the same thing over &
over again still expecting different results…
the same in the way we think! If we continue to have the same thought
patterns, we will continue to experience the same unwanted repeated
Example of this is:  You have that friend who you claim lets you down but you still hope for them to prove you wrong while also still holding onto
the reminder of their past behaviors - this is creating a conflict in
you & since you’ve been let down in the past by them, you actually
are looking for them to do it again - this is where the Ego Mind also
feels superior when they do & points out, “See, I was right!  I told you they keep doing…”
See the pattern for what it is telling you!
not the person doing this to you because they’re just being who they
are (Integrity & Character) & making it clear what their
patterns are.
The bigger thing is for you to recognize your own patterns of thought & how you respond to them!
for you to change how you respond to what you recognize as a pattern in
another & accept these people where they are without holding those
expectations which continue to let you down against them or yourself!
Watch Brain Waves & Brain Coupling ~ Jason Silva
I gleaned in the short 3 minute video on Brain Coupling was simply how
it has been scientifically proven to show that the brains of 2 people
who connect deeply with one another will actually synchronize to one
another. There is no coincidence in this but to see science proving how
we're all connected brings us closer to accepting our influences through
the energy sent out via thoughts.
if you respond differently to another person, you also are sending out a
new brainwave to disrupt the repeated thought patterns shared &
also giving a glimmer of something new that sets the domino in motion! 
What do you think?
Pay attention & recognize your patterns! 
What are your motivations behind what you do? 
Tap into what drives you ~ let yourself be elevated & inspired... 

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Sunday, October 30, 2016

��Soul Flow��


“Let Go & Relax!  Go with the flow of your Soul!”

Watch more here in my Video Blog:

aren’t here to live this life in the seriousness of constant struggle,
pain & suffering.  We’re here to live a life of joy, fun, laughter,
& love!

So what is it that has made it so darned complicated?

when did the choice to be right overtake the choice to be happy or to
love one another versus competing & putting them down?

US was founded upon the Freedom to choose – in all aspects of life! 
Albeit, there are many historical events we will never know & some
brought to our attention were not what we’d been originally told only to
learn history is altered to protect people’s interests. 

Why all the lies, the deceit, & distrust?

Who can we trust?  
Why do we resist what we know in the deepest parts of our beings?

not regret our choices by placing the focus on what we think we should
do or have been conditioned to believe is the right way/path to follow!
“Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

~ Winston Churchill

want to Free our Ancestors from their mistakes – they were unable to
change their choices & provided plenty of examples of regret &
remorse for them… Let’s not finish this life with regret for what we
wished we had done & just do it!

you want to make them proud by making a better life for yourself as
they would want for you!?  
To build a the life that they had actually
hoped for themselves but lost sight of by being caught in the trap of
old paradigms & ways of thinking!?

Wind it down – the Mind! Pay it no mind… Unravel & Unwind the Mind!

If you’re meant to be somewhere, do or have something, you’ll arrive to it in perfect time!

Return to who you are & Remember what it feels like to be in Joy!

May you wash away lifetimes of legacy for generations to come…

Free Yourself to be You & Free us all to Be United as One!


Love & Light Blessings!


~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Watch more here in my Video Blog:

Thursday, October 27, 2016

����How People Connect����

💫🌟How People Connect🌟💫
Watch more here in my Video Blog:
Do you like me for me, what I can do for you, what I represent, or how I make you feel?

In any case, there’s no denying we like people for how they make us feel!

it's to feel a connection or to be validated for beliefs we may
similarly hold but sometimes it's superficial in belonging to a clique,
association, group, team, political party, movement, passion, etc... but
what draws us to those things? 

not who we are but part of what we've accustomed to or always known or
done - sometimes something you were introduced to via family like a
sports team or a political party or school alma mater.  It’s out of
routine & comfort we steer toward these arenas.

is the major reason many of us need to peel back layers in our lives to
challenge our beliefs, habits, routines, & lifestyles. 

Do these things truly represent who I am on the inside?

I like the people I associate with or do they simply provide an
escapism from the life I'm living but also find myself unhappy with
while still seeking something I still haven't grasped?

Am I simply looking to change things up to avoid going within to confront myself & any unresolved painful memories?

all going to have our attachments to certain beliefs but the key is
finding neutrality where you don’t feel the need to defend your beliefs
to anyone else & to honor & respect another’s beliefs that may
differ from yours.  


Stop looking for the argument or attack of shaming another, let alone yourself for the sole purpose of elevating your Ego!

Wars are based on trying to impose one set of ideals upon an opposing group. 

Have you seen how that plays out?

A clue to it is ~~>     Have you ever seen a war that was “won?”  

because it’s a continuous fight for people to overpower others by
imposing their beliefs upon them.  To dishonor, take power over, &
try to force people into taking on the same beliefs. 

Nobody wants this done to them so, why do we do it to others?
There is no such thing as a war that has been won!
I’ve heard people mock the statement “Why can’t we all just get along!?”

the Ego is strong!  Rarely does a person know themselves well enough to
even consider what is right for another person but funny enough, we
have all been raised in way to take care of thy neighbor as if we should
only ever think of others & then, we project ourselves
(experiences, beliefs, & ideals) upon them to top it off.


First you must learn Who You Are & What Drives You! 💞
Let that be your motivator & watch how you interact with people;
as well as, the tribe you feel you belong to.
Love & Light Blessings!

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~
Watch more here in my Video Blog:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

������ The Commitment to Change ������

💫🌟🌼 The Commitment to Change 🌻🌟💫
Change takes Commitment ~ Dedication & Devotion to Self
Watch more here in my Video Blog:
In any situation where you desire to have a certain experience, you also need to commit to it no matter how subtle it is.
commit to our daily routines & habits unconsciously so in order to
make changes that stick we need to consciously commit to & be
dedicated to working toward them!
Want something?
How badly?
have to want it enough to go through a complete metamorphosis where you
challenge your own beliefs about what you feel is attainable & what
you deserve (often we subconsciously or unconsciously don't feel we
deserve the one thing we want or desire). This often keeps us stuck in
self-doubt & fear of even trying.
“In order to succeed, your desire for success needs to be greater than your fear of failure.”
Meaning your Desires must far outweigh what you perceive & fear to loose!
We have all “surprised” ourselves with attaining, what we once believed, was unattainable at some point in our lives...
give up before the miracle because if you’re working toward something
that has taken a lot of time & has emotionally drained you, it
typically comes to a head just before it comes to fruition…
Your own physical body can get antsy as does the mind as you want things immediately in your own time…
Have Patience
It’s natural to feel like you’re “loosing it” as you near attaining your desires...
felt antsy prior to something I’ve been also been extremely excited
about ~ what was excitement turns into anxiety & questioning
myself.  But ultimately, that’s the inner fear of the unknown, of what
it all will bring, sensing the unknown change on the horizon ….how
things will unfold!
the end, you have to commit to yourself… be willing to let go of your
attachment to the idea of how you expect & want things to be or look
like but to hold a vision with flexibility of how it will unfold!
Words require conscious action
& not to be thrown around in a laissez fair manner … Remember they
carry energy & if you aren’t intentional with your words, it’s
likely you will fail to follow through with action.
Choose your words carefully & be consciously aware of your thoughts because this is when Integrity & Character come into question.
It's how much a person can be Respected for their Word! Trust!
Can you be trusted?
If you don't own your stuff, how do you expect to treat you?
Better yet, do you trust yourself?
Nobody wants to be called a liar but that’s essentially what happens when our words & actions aren’t aligned!
Communication eliminates the resentment & assumptions that come
up…  It takes nothing to say you are unable to fulfill your promise...
it’s tougher to avoid the confrontation of not fulfilling that promise
later when you avoid it all together.
Again, your Desires must be greater than your perception of what you might fear to loose!
Maybe you don’t know what you want but you need to own it, search within for it, & when you do know, make it a priority!
Remember Change is Constant
& you have the opportunity to choose for yourself what changes
occur in your life or put it up to chance waiting around to see what
changes are forced upon you in the end!  I can only say from personal experience, the changes I have had to make were always easier than the ones I was forced to make.
Confront the situation before it confronts you!
💞 Become Devoted to You! 💞
Love & Light Blessings!

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~
Watch more here in my Video Blog:

������ The Commitment to Change ������

💫🌟🌼 The Commitment to Change 🌻🌟💫
Change takes Commitment ~ Dedication & Devotion to Self

Watch more here in my Video Blog:

In any situation where you desire to have a certain experience, you also need to commit to it no matter how subtle it is.

commit to our daily routines & habits unconsciously so in order to
make changes that stick we need to consciously commit to & be
dedicated to working toward them!

Want something?
How badly?

have to want it enough to go through a complete metamorphosis where you
challenge your own beliefs about what you feel is attainable & what
you deserve (often we subconsciously or unconsciously don't feel we
deserve the one thing we want or desire). This often keeps us stuck in
self-doubt & fear of even trying.

“In order to succeed, your desire for success needs to be greater than your fear of failure.”

Meaning your Desires must far outweigh what you perceive & fear to loose!

We have all “surprised” ourselves with attaining, what we once believed, was unattainable at some point in our lives...


give up before the miracle because if you’re working toward something
that has taken a lot of time & has emotionally drained you, it
typically comes to a head just before it comes to fruition…

Your own physical body can get antsy as does the mind as you want things immediately in your own time…

Have Patience
It’s natural to feel like you’re “loosing it” as you near attaining your desires...
felt antsy prior to something I’ve been also been extremely excited
about ~ what was excitement turns into anxiety & questioning
myself.  But ultimately, that’s the inner fear of the unknown, of what
it all will bring, sensing the unknown change on the horizon ….how
things will unfold!

the end, you have to commit to yourself… be willing to let go of your
attachment to the idea of how you expect & want things to be or look
like but to hold a vision with flexibility of how it will unfold!

Words require conscious action
& not to be thrown around in a laissez fair manner … Remember they
carry energy & if you aren’t intentional with your words, it’s
likely you will fail to follow through with action.

Choose your words carefully & be consciously aware of your thoughts because this is when Integrity & Character come into question. 

It's how much a person can be Respected for their Word! Trust!
Can you be trusted?
If you don't own your stuff, how do you expect to treat you?
Better yet, do you trust yourself?


Nobody wants to be called a liar but that’s essentially what happens when our words & actions aren’t aligned!

Communication eliminates the resentment & assumptions that come
up…  It takes nothing to say you are unable to fulfill your promise...
it’s tougher to avoid the confrontation of not fulfilling that promise
later when you avoid it all together. 

Again, your Desires must be greater than your perception of what you might fear to loose!

Maybe you don’t know what you want but you need to own it, search within for it, & when you do know, make it a priority!


Remember Change is Constant
& you have the opportunity to choose for yourself what changes
occur in your life or put it up to chance waiting around to see what
changes are forced upon you in the end!  I can only say from personal experience, the changes I have had to make were always easier than the ones I was forced to make.
Confront the situation before it confronts you!
💞 Become Devoted to You! 💞
Love & Light Blessings!

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Watch more here in my Video Blog:

Sunday, September 4, 2016

��⚜ Impatience vs. Patience ⚜��


💫⚜ Impatience vs. Patience 💫
Watch more here in my Video Blog:
Faith ~ Trust ~ Believe
Love into everything you do! The things you do leave impressions long
after you leave... So, make your Presence be well known in the Spirit of
Let others be Inspired by your Essence!

"People may not remember what you said or did but they will remember how you made them feel!”


Patience is being content in the Moment with what you already have!

is the disdain & negation of all that you have, as well as, the
Moment at hand... It is the desire to want things different than they
already are & being unable to Accept yourself as You Are...though consider that the Law of Attraction will keep bringing you what you feel in "this Moment!"

you are always living in the past or in the future, you will never find
satisfaction or joy in the Moment because that is something within you!
It is not outside of you & nothing external to you can make up for
what you don't already feel inside!  You carry it with you Always!

Again, Nothing Outside of You will make you feel what You don't already Feel Inside! 
 Watch more here in my Video Blog:

~**~ Let everything you do radiate out Love & Leave Your Impression!
Live, Work, & Play In Love!
Love & Light Blessings! ~**~

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Friday, September 2, 2016

Are You On Purpose?


💫⚜Are You On Purpose?
Watch more here in my Video Blog:
Don't worry about what others think of you! It's none of your business anyway!
Don't give away your power… the only person's opinion that matters is your own & if you're in alignment with Soul! 
Being on Purpose ~ CHANGE in how you do things…this is where many are currently resisting living in a new way because it’s so UN-Familiar!
“Exalted, nature’s power is to help you!

                                Patience to Gift the Heart of the matter

                                                  Peace to bring us all together

                                    Courage & Strength to forge ahead

     …where Change is forever constant!”

~ Lana A. LaBonte, from my meditation 13 Aug 2013,  The Alchemy of Love in Life Blog
BOUNDARIES….when you don’t have them, others will test them! 
This is simply the energy you bring into your experiences!
“Exalted, nature’s power is to help you!
“When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”
~Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
“Seek Silence!
“Silent contains the same letters as LISTEN for good reason.
To be silent is to allow your Soul to be felt, your Heart to radiate, and your Body to vibrate its physical BEing.  This is the return to your Self!”
~ Lana A. LaBonte, 14 August 2013


~**~ Step up & have the Courage to Live on Purpose with Purpose! ~*♥*~
Love & Light Blessings! ~**~
~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~