Saturday, August 27, 2016

��⚜Changing the way you do things!⚜��

💫⚜Changing the way you do things!💫
Watch more here in my Video Blog:
The old way of doing things won't do anymore… It's time to come out of the old & into a new way of living life overall!

Are you stuck?

What areas of your life do you want to change?

All it takes is the Decision to make a Change & the Dedication to make it stick! 

Do you want change?  Better yet, are you happy in your life where you're at in this moment?  


Most people don't even realize their lives have become stagnant until it's too late.  Some go through habitual routines without ever questioning it but sensing an underlying resentment or sense of loss.  

What does it really take for someone to want to make a change?  


Do you have the courage to step into the unknown & unfamiliar?
“I think midlife is when the universe gently places her hands upon your shoulders, pulls you close, and whispers in your ear: I’m not screwing around. It’s time. All of this pretending and performing – these coping mechanisms that you’ve developed to protect yourself from feeling inadequate and getting hurt – has to go.
Your armor is preventing you from growing into your gifts. I understand that you needed these protections when you were small. I understand that you believed your armor could help you secure all of the things you needed to feel worthy of love and belonging, but you’re still searching and you’re more lost than ever.

Time is growing short. There are unexplored adventures ahead of you. You can’t live the rest of your life worried about what other people think. You were born worthy of love and belonging. Courage and daring are coursing through you. You were made to live and love with your whole heart. It’s time to show up and be seen.”

~Brené Brown

Watch more on Changing the way you do things! here in my Video Blog:
~**~ Don't give up & don't give in!  Change takes Courage! ~*♥*~
Start coloring outside the lines & see how much more vibrant your life can be! Love & Light Blessings! ~**~
~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

⚜Changing the way you do things!

Friday, August 26, 2016

��⚜Radical Forgiveness⚜��

💫⚜ Radical Forgiveness 💫
Watch more here in my Video Blog:

Let's talk about Radical Forgiveness and what that means for you!

Radical Forgiveness for Self gives way for Self-Acceptance & Self-Love!

starts with Self... It unfolds in such a way that when you're aware of
the patterns going on within yourself, you have the opportunity to shift
those patterns, change your life in the process by doing things
differently than before, heal from the past by seeing your experiences
as meaningful lessons to grow, and evolve into a more whole person.
I did then what I knew how to do. Now that I know better, I do better.” 
~ Maya Angelou
There is always opportunity, the question is if you see it and how you see it!

Your thoughts can drag you down into the pit of despair or lift you up with divine grace!  Which will you choose?

Do you beat yourself up like I do when you fail to meet your own expectations of yourself or those of others?

within and heal the innermost pains buried deep in your body and
unconscious subconscious so you can radiate your light to serve and
uplift others!


Peace can only be achieved when we take the necessary steps to forgive ourselves, first!  That first piece is within opening us up further to inspire outer peace in all! 

Watch more on Radical Forgiveness  here in my Video Blog:
~**~ Be Kind & Loving in your thoughts, deeds, & actions! ~*♥*~
 Shift your life with Radical Forgiveness to give way to Radical Self-Love!
Be a Leader in this Life....Love & Light Blessings! ~**~
~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~


Monday, August 22, 2016

⚜ Do Something Different! ⚜


💫⚜ Do Something Different! 💫

Watch more here in my Video Blog:
Change is Constant so why not ride the wave & surf with it!?

What scares you?

Do you already anticipate a particular outcome to a familiar situation?

How about try a different approach.  Change your mindset about how you
think things will turn out & consider it as unfamiliar...

Ask yourself, “How can I see this situation differently?”


Are you willing to change up your routine with ease or does it bring up
discomfort for you?  It's easy to become habitual and caught up in a
routine that stunts your growth.  Life is not meant to be mundane but
after a lifetime of routine, life feels more restrictive and less


The more we step out of our comfort zone, the easier it is for us to
embrace fear that keeps us from moving forward in our lives!

What we fear is what we actually need to do the most!
~ Lana A. LaBonte

Just look back on your life when you were hesitant or resistant to doing
something that felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable. It didn't turn out so
bad, did it!?  Can you recall the weight lifted off of your shoulders
once you did it? Did you find it mu
ch easier once you did it rather than what you originally thought?

Watch more here in my Video Blog:
~**~ Step outside the box & into the unknown! ~*♥*~
You never know how much you’ll grow until you do something different!
Love & Light Blessings! ~**~

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~


Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Importance of Communication


💫⚜ The Importance of Communication! 💫

Watch more here in my Video Blog:

The reason most relationships suffer and people get upset is because of
lack of communication, failure to communicate, miscommunications &
misunderstandings in communication.


As women, we assume so much but rarely take time to ask for the
clarification- for many reasons from not wanting to nag or out of simple
habit of avoiding confrontation.  Our mind can go out of control...

With men, they need help because of their own habits and unawareness.  They don't always know nor get what we women do so we need to work with them.


The reality is it's all about being transparent & Communicating clearly & effectively between one another!

Awareness is Key!
"When you know better, you do better!" ~ Maya Angelou
Watch more here in my Video Blog:
~**~ Remember Communication is all about Love! ~*♥*~
We all seek to connect
in order to feel love through our many forms of communicating.  May all
your words bring Loving Intentions & Uplift those around you!  Love
& Light Blessings! ~**~

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

⚜ What Will You Release On This Full Moon? ⚜

⚜ What Will You Release On This Full Moon? ⚜

Are You Ready to ReWrite The Story You've Been Living Over & Over Again?

Watch more here in my Video Blog:

You are a powerful Manifestor - You create your life with every word
you speak, thought you have, action you take, & story you tell! ~*
are you going to enable your Soul to Soar & your Heart beat with
passion? Many Blessings of Love & Light as you Re-Ignite your inner
Spark! ~*

~*~*♥*~ Lana A. LaBonte ~*♥*~* ~

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites


How Do You Love?

Unconditionally or Conditionally ...?

You can’t fix someone else!  It all starts with Self and if you are constantly trying to get someone else to meet your expectations for you to feel better, then you’re loving Conditionally!  You cannot expect a person to be a certain way in order for you to love them... 

Unconditional Love means accepting a person exactly as they are without
putting "conditions" upon how they should be.
person comes into this world with a specific destiny--he has something
to fulfill, some message has to be delivered, some work has to be
completed. You are not here accidentally--you are here meaningfully.
There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through

― Osho
Why do people enter into relationships and later want to change the other? Most often we’ve fallen into the conditioning where we are guilted into helping everyone else around us as if we know what they need.

We’re not nurtured how to be healthy and whole ourselves, which is most needed and necessary.

Eventually, we may find another person is triggering an old wound and it's rubbing us raw.  So, most won't recognize this in themselves if they haven't healed their own wounds.  Again, it's easier to project our stuff on someone else than to actually look at it. 

Do you see your own wounds in another? 

Do you know what triggers you? 

How do you relate to the people you claim to love? 

Do you see yourself as a Savior?  Be careful of your Ego...

~**~ The next time you feel you know what someone else needs, ask
yourself if you're putting conditions on the love you give another!  
Reach deep down for this awareness & have compassion for yourself; 
because, maybe it's you who really needs to be accepted in order for you
to accept others as they are!  Many Blessings of Love! ~**~

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ Anger Can Teach You What Is Really Going On Within!


ANGER Can Teach You What Is Really Going On Within!

Anger shows you care & it means you are on the verge of “This shit stops NOW!  I want to feel better than this’s time for change!” ♥

are our signals to shift or pay attention to what’s really going on
below the surface!  The Ego goes through emotions…not the heart!  The
Ego knows something is up and it will fight to stay alive and in

Angry shows you care!  If you didn’t get angry, it would mean you
didn’t care…think about that!  Also reflect upon the times you’ve said “oh, I don’t care…” but you really were angry! You allowed it to have a power over you by holding onto that anger!

When you truly don’t care, you can brush it off and release it! It has no power over you.


Do you want to know what the real cancer of life is? Anger, bitterness, resentment, animosity, blame, shame, seething & loathing toward another, circumstances, self, life…. Your Anger is really toward yourself and it’s sucking the life force out of you! 

being unhappy with where you’re at and comparing yourself to everything
around you and the ideal that you have in your mind for the life that
you expect you should have!

It’s the victim mentality that keeps you stuck in misery!

It’s that story you keep telling that you keep living and doesn’t resemble anything remotely close to what you really want!


is what eats us from the inside out… It’s not what’s going on outside
of us or around us. It’s everything accumulated in the body brought on
by the mind… destructive thoughts feelings emotions turn into
distraction in your physical body, in your external world.

Cancer = Carcinogen/Canker = scorching you from within - not from the external!

When you continue to feed cancer what it thrives on, it grows… Anger is it’s fuel!


Even I recognize it in my own physical body! It’s when I’m inflamed, extreme pain, achy joints & bones or muscles…

a story is like reliving the experience!!!  It’s important to choose
the story you tell because it will dictate the life you continue to

Emotions come from the Ego Mind!   When we’re Emotional, we’re Irrational!

water to rebalance emotions...Why?  Because we’re 70% water and water
influences our emotions; energy in motion needs to be allowed to flow! 
Emotions rising mean we’re imbalanced!  True balance is achieved when we
can maintain calm surrounded by the chaos!


Where do you feel Anger in your body? 

you tap into what rises up, sit with it and allow it to be fully
embraced - fully felt - fully released?  We need to feel our emotions
fully in order for them to heal fully!

Embrace your Anger & recognize the gift of expansion it is bringing
you ~ The Awareness of You!  Many Blessings of Love!  ~**~

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Monday, August 8, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ Change



The Mind is always looking to change things
but we’re actually quite resistant to change.  Despite that, everything
is in a constant state of change that we cannot even see. 
How ironic is that!?

Well, it’s simple!

Mind wants to change all the external things around us but it’s really
distracting us from making the truly powerful internal changes within us
we need to make - the ones the Ego Mind fears will remove/destroy it! 
The Mind wants to keep busy to avoid disintegration - this is what it
fears most! 
So, it works in survival mode to also keep you from doing anything that will do eliminate it but we still need it. 
We just need to train it to serve us in a constructive manner.

The Mind wants to believe it knows everything & will disguise itself as your strong will
but that’s just a coverup.  Of course the Mind serves us well, but can
you see where it may have actually caused you more suffering because it
was stubborn!?


The very thing we fear most is the very thing we need to confront!  So as to disprove the Ego Mind of all its illusions…it’s only real if we buy into the story!

What keeps you stuck in your life?  

What changes are you resistant to?

you realize this is really your Mind just trying to maintain control
over a part of your life to feel secure in the rest… Whereas, in other
areas, you may not have control where you wish you had!? 

Portrait of a boy with the map of the world painted on his face.

close friend of mine is an amazing hair stylist and just started
working with a new hair color line and she wants to give me a makeover. 
So, I picked out some pictures of styles & colors I like &
posted them on Pinterest.  This would be a big change for me since I
haven’t colored it in 3 years! 

Now I’m starting to think it’s just my not wanting to change that has me stuck in a pattern of control where maybe I might be better off trying something new!

Wow!  What a reflection on that one!

We get so easily stuck in our routines that we don’t even see that it’s a comfort zone of what we have control over to keep us feeling safe!

She wants to cut it though and that’s where I’m most resistant!  

I really want to cut it?  No.  Because it’s easy to maintain, easy to
throw up…I don’t currently live the life I used to where I was styling
it all the time but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to.  It means I want
to keep it simpler and easier than I did in the past where it did cause a
lot of damage & took up so much time but at what cost!?  Hmm…

It’s a challenge for most to Trust, Surrendering
to the possibility that things could actually improve - as opposed to
the Ego Mind trying convince you of the worst case scenario!

What we rarely consider is that it’s how we’re guided to make changes in our lives… 

To upgrade what we’ve been living to what will be even better for us!


I totally get and also understand how the Mind can overwhelm us with the struggles of what it perceives.  Essentially your Perception is your Reality!

“There’s always something deep seated within our psyche causing us anxieties, fears, & emotions that drives our choices…”
just that most people aren’t remotely aware of it because it’s usually
something we’ve suppressed and don’t want to look at.  The only way to
really know what it is is to really sit with and get to know yourself. 

takes a lot of courage and desire to make serious changes in your
life.  But I can tell you from my own personal experience it’s one of
the best things you could ever do for yourself!

Want to see the people around you change for the better?  That’s exactly what you start to see.

course, it doesn’t happen at first because other people will resist you
and that in itself can cause you pain because it’s the feeling you’re
being rejected or judged & criticized for doing something good for
yourself from the very people you surround yourself with who typically
validate what you already do.

reactions are merely a reflection of those people who don’t want to
change and feel threatened by your efforts to change.  They also want to
feel comfortable with themselves - validated by you!  So, they will
want you to stay the same so they don’t have to change but change truly
is inevitable!

of the most profound reminders I had over the past few days is how what
you witness and the environment you are in influences you as if you are
actually experiencing what you’re seeing!

impressions actually co-create and influence your own life as if that
was you.  Just like they proved that listening to classical music
increases one’s intelligence, studies have also shown that listening to
degrading and offensive rap music will also keep those in an
impoverished life.

not talking about major changes we see on the surface.  It all starts
with the Mind!  Our thoughts, beliefs, patterns of behavior all start in
the Mind which influence our actions and behaviors!  Those are the
changes that ripple out with more impact!

If you trace back all your thoughts to the root, it will reveal an underlying fear that drives you to do what you do.


“It’s all about getting back to the real root cause.  The one that we rarely allow ourselves to face!”

I know things and can pick up things people don’t say but it’s not my
place to enforce or try to push someone to do something they may not be
ready to do.

should be able to choose for themselves. I have to honor what the
person is willing and ready for because I also know how hard it was for

For a long time when I was unhappy, people would tell me to be happy and all that did was piss me off more!  - No, REALLY!!!  😁

found I was more resistant to changes when people tried to tell me what
I should do.  I recognized that in myself and see how it was all my Ego
- how it held me back from change because my Ego hadn’t initiated the
idea, shift, or change.

Who were they to tell me what I needed!

Meanwhile, I didn't even know what I needed... That’s
the funny thing about the Ego Mind!  It insists on knowing everything
even when it has no clue.  It makes stuff up all the time, most of the
time, heck
- everything you think is really made up by your Ego based on your perception!  Your Mind has created stories you’ve bought into.


It can be an ass and keep you from being open to things when it’s so strong & rigid! 😁😜 

here’s the kicker!  Whenever you are resisting any change in your life
or facing something new in your life, it’s usually a sign of good things
to come.

I’ve learned to do is to get excited at the resistance I feel now
because I've learned over time that whenever I’ve felt it bubbling up,
it’s turned out to have been right before I’ve had a major breakthrough,
change, or shift in my life for the better!  Not always so obvious at
the moment until much later.

I love this reminder of how something in our subconscious knows something is coming - this is the energy field of catharsis.

Anytime your are resisting it’s because something good is on the horizon - a shift, a healing, coming back to Self & Source!

see this with going to Winter Solstice, before I teach, before I make a
video, encounter someone I like... It’s like a push-pull of excitement
to proceed but considering not going for some inner fear of what’s
coming that’s actually already known within. 

is the true beauty of the unknown that is already known - we have this
inner knowing that we cannot explain.  BUT why don’t we trust it? 
Again, that pesky Mind gets in the way and because it’s been running the
show for so long, we rarely challenge it.

So, why not take a chance on Change for a change!?


May you see through the eyes of gratitude the Blessings that Change
brings to your life!  There’s nothing better than embracing your
resistance to the unknown ~ Love & Light! ~**~

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~