Sunday, July 31, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ ⚜Consciousness Revealed⚜

Consciousness Revealed
Awareness Unplugged...
💫Are you ready to go deep within? This is going to go there & I'm talking bulldozer deep insight! 🤗 🌟
Some of the questions that came up in my morning meditation.
am I aligned with my soul or am I simply seeing my thoughts manifesting
quicker into reality? Or, is this the same? Is it possible that when
someone else is involved, that I am picking up and desiring what they
desire, and it coming into my awareness as if it were my own
desire/thought when it originated with them?
even more profound, when we think of Soul Contracts and having a
predestined charted life path, is it possible it's simply me picking up
on the predetermined charted course that my life was already set to
unfold upon? Meaning, that when I open myself to allow my Soul to guide
me instead of resisting it [by allowing my mind to determine or try to
create it] then, it can flow freely through me and I can clearly see
what will unfold because I am no longer clouded by my mind's ego!? 
Such a profound & powerful consideration to have!
It's the mind that clouds our true reality
- what we know that innately comes from within versus what comes from
outside. When we truly free ourselves from the mind trying to control
the outcome, that's when life becomes bliss because you already know and
sense what will happen and allow yourself to flow with that in full
trust. The exact what that will happen is simply your Soul's desire to experience certain things in this life!
“Surrender to Soul!!!  Dive deep within for the answers you seek ~ you already possess this Wisdom of Self.  Trust in it!” ~ Lana A. LaBonte
can easily tap into this simple wisdom once we overcome the need for
control; getting caught up in the polarities of the mind that this is right or that is bad.
we're tapped into our true source, everything is familiar yet foreign
to our mind who will recall our past to compare it!  It is why we feel
déjà vu in certain encounters & experiences, premonitions or senses
about things, or have thoughts about people who validate and say the
same in return,… That's when we’re truly out of our Mind and aligned
with soul!   Right!!!!  😉 Ha ha ...
I believe our minds evolved from a time when we were intuitively aware with the witness of an observing nature
to now where the Mind has evolved and the Ego had arisen wanting to
become an more controlling active participant in this game of life.  The
Ego wanted to be more inclusive interacting with what it was seeing,
wanting to manipulate the outcomes and steer the course already charted
to seek more Pleasure; yet, it goes outside for it
away from the Source that is within!  Something has to have sparked to
give it this inkling that it could even do such a thing.
we must learn to discern the Observer of Awareness that arises within
us from the Ego Mind creating thoughts & trying to control things.
The Ego Mind truly thrives on chaos, drama, and conflict of some form!!!
Ego Mind is the Reactive Perceiver!  People and experiences will
trigger you recreating that sensation you are replaying your past yet
placing blame on others for making you feel miserable! You're really
reacting to and feeding off of the un-happiness that you are really
seeking because we are alway seeking happiness in each and every
situation and encounter. 
By reacting to triggers people or situations
bring up for you, you are creating your future based on those past
experiences.  You are continuing to recreate your past as your present
and ultimately your future!
You truly can create what you want in the future but you have to live in the Present - complete & whole right here, right now! 
Fully aligned with Soul means being Present in every Moment
relinquishing the attachment to the past and/or future concerns &
when we start seeing the body is also constantly listening to our Mind
and responding to it, we see the reflection of this conflict.   Our body
is directly reflecting the state of our mind showing us when it is in
disharmony!  It's in how mind creates conflicts through external
distractions!  The body does one thing while the mind is doing something
else.  True Yoga is the co-creation and interaction of an aligned mind,
body, & soul. 
can't have a conflicted mind with the body in harmony because it is in
co-creation & always showing you where there is conflict!

side of the brain that is more dominant shows where your imbalance lies
- whether you are stuck in the Mind or physically stuck in the Body. 
The Sympathetic Nervous System (high emotional states - fight or flight, excitement) = Mind

The Parasympathetic Nervous System (engages to calm when the Sympathetic is triggered) = Body

When the Mind goes into conflict, choosing this or that, it creates our
stress or suffering which we feel in our physical body.  It's the
lesser known Enteric Nervous System (2nd Brain in the Gut) where the
Vagus nerve conveys messages between the gut and the brain!  
is how your body signals you through physiological responses like
nervousness, anxiety, butterflies & gut feelings because this is
where our emotional center resides in our gut; our old stories are
embedded in our cellular memory which flair when triggered by familiar
recreated experiences
Holy Trinity = Power of 3 = Union of Mind, Body, Soul = Oneness
Paraphrasing Gurudev Amrit Desai's Darshan today & my personal interpretation of it:  He spoke of how the allegorical Tree of Knowledge
is this information we've been programmed with over the course of our
lives!  This is where we've created polarities - like heaven &
hell!  We actually create heaven and hell the moment we choose! 
Choosing is always for or against something... based on our past experiences- fears of things "not working out" or a success in things working out as you anticipate them.  Success of the Failures in life also exists as Success - this is what creates conflict in the mind & body!!!  This is especially activated when it is something you want most or something you don’t want just as equally. 
Goal Orientation is looking for things Outside!
the constant search outside of ourselves with an attachment to
expectations [what we seek, want to happen, specific outcomes] that
causes this inner conflict & creates our suffering!
fact that people look for harmony & unity outside when they have
inner conflict outside is why we have such conflict in the world.  We
simply can’t have inner conflict & outer harmony!  Balance has to be
Attachment & Fear are the same thing!
see things through our reactive perceptions (filters of our beliefs,
behaviors, experiences...)! Witnessing the modifications of the Mind is
This is why Meditation is so important!  We must make peace
with our thoughts and see that they are not who we are.  They simply are
replayed memories of experiences over and over from your past or
illusion-based future.
body is run by your dominant subconscious experiences.  The creator
that is consciousness & has been replaced by the Ego Mind is running
the body! The body listens to & does what the mind says - conscious
or unconscious thoughts!
We need to be reminded that God/Source/Oneness is Omnipresent! 
What is in the Macrocosm is in the Microcosm - simultaneously!
As Above So Below!!!
The Cause lives in you as the memory of your past! Truly,
“You are the creator & when you change, the whole world changes with you.”
Keep Awareness on when the Mind is creating the conflict in your Body!!!
Let your Soul be your guide!  Retrain your Mind to be witness to what
is & allow it to be.  Tap into your Body's Wisdom & allow it to
show you when disharmony arises between the Mind & Body.  You just
may find a new found path to freedom from conflict leading you to the
life you've always wanted to live!  In Love, as Love!

~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ How do You Relate to You?

How do You Relate to You? ~ How is your Relationship with Yourself?

You Need to Make Peace With You!

Our relationship with Self dictates every other relationship! This is the key to living in Joy!

Do you ever take time to observe your thoughts about yourself? 

When you're judging another, you're actually judging yourself most subtly by "comparing" yourself to them. You cannot make any judgement without something to "compare to it." 

Your Ego would have you think otherwise but can you challenge it to tell you why the judgement is so relevant &/or important?

How about the thoughts you have about yourself when you call yourself names, berate yourself, push & bully yourself, …?  

Can you honestly say you "like yourself!?

Also, remember you are not your emotions - can you see where they are brought on by your Ego Mind? They're simply the triggers of past experiences…unhealed & unfinished business of your life.  

Once you are able to make peace with them, your triggers will be reduced over time & eventually disappear because your attachment to them will be released.

This is the most important area to come to for compassion - to soften & be kinder in your thoughts about yourself!  Try not to judge or dismiss the thoughts because they're there to teach & tell you something about yourself!

Take each thought as it comes in & observe it, reflect upon it & what it is showing you about you, challenge it if you feel it is unkind or threatening in some way, & consider it your teacher of where you’re at in the moment.  Can you trace the thoughts back to where they originated?  Maybe it came in because something triggered a memory for you or curiosity was invoked within you…

Remove the judgement of thoughts being good or bad.  See that it has brought you the gift of Personal Insight ~ ♥ True Connection to YourSelf! ♥

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ Why I Meditate!

Why I Meditate!


Have you seen the movie "Up!?"

We're not getting old, it's not ADHD, or even memory loss but lack of attention to this moment - it's trying to do, do, do too much!

Because I am "empowered" I can do it all seems to drive that old idea that I have to do it all!

It's the idea that we have "something to prove" to ourselves &/or others...

That's just the Mind & all it's old Beliefs...!

Drop that!

Just like that...

♥ Let It All Go...Let your life Flow! ♥

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ How Do You Roll?

Checking in from the Pranique Yoga & Wellness Center.
How Do You Roll?
What’s Your Vibe ~ Who’s Your Tribe?
Take a moment and reflect on if you are feeling less than who you are?
Often we find safety and security in the company we keep.  Rarely do we recognize and take a moment to step back and reflect upon if the company we keep is making us feel safe & secure in who we are.
Look back over your life.  Do you notice how much you have changed over the years?  Can you see how you are no longer the person you were as a child going to school, or even a year, or so, ago?  
See, we are constantly changing, growing, and evolving even if we don’t actually see it.
Is there a difference in the people you associate with now from the people you associated with when you were younger?  Look at how you’ve grown and evolved from experiences in you life.   Appreciate the wisdom and awareness of what milestones or challenges you have overcome.
Even now, do the people you hang with truly reflect the person you are now? Or, are you simply in a routine of doing what you’ve always known because it’s comfortable?
It is saying you are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with the most. Those people will either uplift you or bring you down ~ only you know what you need!  
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
~ Jim Rohn
Sometimes we unconsciously allow the people we associate with to influence and alter our own self-image, worth, and feelings about our own lives.
Because we are social creatures, we tend to adopt the characteristics of those groups we associate with and feel we belong to; we identify with and adopt the behavior that goes along with being a part of that group.  
Can you reflect upon your closest friends and see if you’ve adapted to them to feel inclusive, accepted, and connected to them or if they are your tribe feeding your soul, supporting your growth, and nurturing your BEing?
The truth is WE ALL want to feel Love and connect with people who make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
Maybe you already have an amazing tribe!  Remember to Celebrate them!
Maybe you need to seek a more uplifting community of friends.  Try to socialize with people who enliven you and bring you joy; who make you feel good about yourself even after you walk away from them.
Maybe you need to change up your routine, go to places that you’ve always wanted to visit but still haven’t, go to a library, take up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try… Either way, Change it up!
If you need help, reach out to me.  I may be able to help guide you.
~*♥*~ Step into your Personal Power & Let your Vibe be felt!  Radiate your true Essence of Self & draw in those who Celebrate You!  Be You! ~*♥*~
~ ♥ Lana A. LaBonte ♥ ~

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Sunshine Makes Me Happy!
What brings you joy? 
What makes you feel Safe & Secure in your life?
As you go through your day, stop to reflect upon the Moment with all your Senses attuned.  
Feel through & recognize where joy comes through for you.
In every encounter & experience, ask yourself:  —> Is this bringing me Joy?  Am I in the “Here In The Now…?” What from my past am I comparing this moment to?What experiences do I want to have?  Take slow deep breath with more awareness of each & every moment…Let every Experience Enliven all of your Senses!Get out in Nature & draw that Solar energy into yourself!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Checking in from the Salvador Dali Museum.
How you doin' today!? Let your inner child come out to play!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ What If...? ~ What For!?

What If…? ~ What For!?

Are you stuck in the past or caught up in the future?  
It’s all in your mind which makes it a complete intangible illusion.  
So, how’s that serving you?  
What it is most definitely doing is taking you out of this Present Moment & removing you from Appreciating how far you’ve come & all the blessings & lessons along the way!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites ~ Trust Your Intuition ~ Into It I See!

♥ Trust Your Intuition ~ Into It I See! ♥ 

Lunar = Moon = Dark = Emotions = Inward/Inner Reflection or Contraction = Feminine = Self Care & Nurturing

Solar = Sun = Light = Action = Exertion = External/Creating your world or Expansion = Masculine = Creating/Conquering Fears & putting visions into reality

The Moon (Emotions) pulls on us from the inside while the Sun (Mind) fuels/fires us from the, we have this push-pull going on. 

Intuition is your clear guidance & inner compass!  Full Moon Release… Capricorn = Focused Action or Vision…Full steam ahead! ♥ 

Whatever is going on around you symbolizes what is actually going on within you.  Where your attention goes is what's being brought to surface for you to heal - old pains & their charges/triggers.

Use this Full Moon in Capricorn to release all that old baggage of beliefs & behaviors that no longer serve you & keep you from growing & evolving!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Live from the Dali 💗 Family Matters!

Whether you agree, disagree, or you agree to disagree, family matters most!
Love everybody where they're at even if you don't agree with it. Wouldn't you want somebody to love you no matter what & not hold the "where" against you!?

All you do by holding onto resentment, grudge, or animosity is build down a weak immune system & a declined quality of life!  Those same "triggers" are simply reawakened in every experience you continue to have because you have not yet released them.

Learn to see the blessings everyone brings to your life - there is no such thing as good or bad - it just is what it is!  It's all part of this life.  Without the good you cannot have the bad, & vice-versa.  

-- Without "colorful" contrasts (experiences) in your life, your life becomes lackluster & you no longer grow or evolve.  Who wants a predictable life anyway!? 

Today, bless everyone in your life & take a moment to see how they've blessed you in yours!  Can you find 1 thing about each person that makes you smile with gratitude?  Who knows, if you find one, you may find more... 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Old Memories & Familiarities...

How do you handle them? Do you reflect upon them & how they have simply been experiences of many steering you along your path or judge them with embarrassment trying to suppress & tuck them away where nobody will see or know of your past?

I know often I have looked back upon at many of my past experiences with judgment because I felt embarrassed that I had had them. 

I was in a different place in my life then but now I can look back now & see my immaturity, lack of awareness, lack of knowledge, lower self-esteem, desire to be loved & liked, simply to fit in where I didn't feel comfortable or like others.

So much I have learned since then that I'm not that same person - not even close!

In fact, this brings up people who have been a part of your life all those years (many family members) & how easy it is to hold you as that individual that existed back then when we all have all involved, grown, learned, & had various experiences turning us into person you are today that is completely unrecognizable from the person you were then.

Trust in that in every encounter you are meeting a new person & try to treat them laying aside the past experiences you’ve had with them, beliefs about them, & judgments you have toward them.  
Wouldn’t you want the same for yourself!?

Today’s challenge is for you to approach each encounter with fresh new eyes & curiosity appreciating the person as it’s the first time you’re meeting & getting to know them!

Friday, July 15, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Tap Into Your Own Inner Wisdom

How do you recognize your own Inner Wisdom? Tap into it...

~*~ Remember this: any person who's impulsive and reactive is destructive; because when you are using your impulse to react, you are not using your wisdom at all-and anytime you are not using your wisdom will ultimately be totally destructive. ~*~

© The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan, July 29, 1981

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Mindfulness ~ In The Moment!

~*~ ♥ ---> Challenge of the day:

Have you ever noticed how we've been so conditioned to be "Productive" & constantly busy that we can't sit still - not allowing our mind to be quiet?

The moment the Mind sees you're doing something mundane, habitual, or simple, it engages in a myriad of thoughts!

It has the fear of dissolving (like death) & will continually seek to stay alive by keeping active & engaged.

With this busy mind comes distraction from being fully present & in the Moment!

How often have you found yourself in a conversation & instead of listening with the intent to hear the other person, you're already engaging in thoughts of how to respond to the person?

We literally can get carried away with our thoughts!

♥ Can you become Present in the Moment today to fully listen in all of your interactions & conversations? 

Can you fully listen to hear & understand another by staving off the mind from wanting to go off thinking of how to respond? ♥

Spend this day fully Present in the Moment & Aware of your Mind ~ Can you be Mindful?

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Nourishing Love Bites

Challenge the Mind & Teach it to Serve You! 🌞

The Mind needs to be trained!
It should Serve you not control you!
This is where we often fall victim to it! We're drawn into the illusions it creates...stories it tells.
What if you were able to get it to serve you!?
Challenge the mind ~ Have a dialogue with it!

Give it something more constructive to work on versus getting caught up in the worst case scenarios or the old stories that keep us locked in the past & repeating the same lessons or experiences.

Use the Mind to focus on what you want to bring to life, manifest, feel, be, do…have it find solutions & get creative with the excitement of creating it!

Remember to be Aware but not consumed by what is going on outside of you!
"Where attention goes, energy flows..."
Focus on what you have control over within yourself!